Get a Recognised Qualification in Just 7 Days and Connect with Family-Friendly Job Opportunities

Virtual, Government-Funded Training Courses with Support for Parents

Unlock Your True Potential and Embrace New Opportunities that Fit in With Your Family Commitments

 With our virtual government-funded training courses and unwavering support, you can confidently pursue rewarding job opportunities and/or a meaningful career while meeting your parental responsibilities – all from the comfort of your own home. Join us at Step Ahead and let us help you unlock your potential and create a fulfilling future for yourself and your family. Act now and take the leap toward a brighter future.

Why Choose Our Virtual Training Courses?

Does This Sound
Like You?

Are you a Londoner and a parent, currently out of work and seeking a fresh start? Or maybe you just need to earn some extra cash to help with souring household bills? At Step Ahead, we understand the unique challenges faced by parents on their employment journey. That’s why we offer virtual, government-funded short accredited training courses that empower you, build your confidence, and provide comprehensive support, all from the comfort of your own home. All you need is a PC, laptop, or tablet to get started.

Funded by the GLA and valued at £1400+, this invaluable training is completely FREE for eligible London parents. Invest in your future without any financial burden and take the first step towards employment success.

Convenient and Flexible: Our virtual training courses allow you to learn from anywhere, without the need for commuting or childcare arrangements.

Empowering Parents: We recognize the importance of flexibility for mums and dads. Our courses are designed to accommodate your unique circumstances, providing you with valuable assistance including the necessary support for your childcare needs.

Confidence-Building: We believe that confident individuals can achieve great things. Our virtual training courses focus not only on imparting valuable skills but also on boosting your self-assurance. We provide a supportive and nurturing online environment where you can grow both personally and professionally.

Tailored Guidance: We understand that your career goals may vary and evolve over time. Whether you are looking for a short-term job or a rewarding career, our experienced recruitment consultants will work closely with you in virtual sessions to identify suitable career paths that align with your skills, interests, and priorities.

Employer Connections: As parents, we know that finding opportunities that fit your lifestyle is crucial. We have established strong relationships with employers who offer a variety of positions, including flexible and family-friendly options. Through our network, we connect you with live job opportunities that understand and value your parental responsibilities.

Comprehensive Support: We are committed to your success. Our dedicated Recruitment Consultants and Professional Trainers will guide you through the virtual job search process, providing specialized assistance in tailoring your CV and cover letter to highlight your strengths and experiences. We also offer mock interviews and valuable insights into the employers you’ll encounter.  

Training To Suit YOUR Circumstance

We understand that you might have responsibilities, and purse strings might be tight. So, you won’t have to travel to complete your qualifications. All training can be completed from the comfort of your own home.

Don’t Miss Your Opportunity for a Fresh Start

Step Ahead – About Us

Step Ahead’s mission is to empower people and help them change their lives for the better.

Many of the people we work with feel a sense of being “stuck” in their lives.

Some come from disadvantaged backgrounds. Others have become distracted from their path and are in need of guidance and direction, or just a helping hand.

Whether you are looking for a part-time job to help bring in some extra cash, or to meet new people and improve your social life, or to climb the career ladder, we stand with everybody. We help people gain clarity on their life’s purpose and assist them in getting back on a path towards positive achievement through sustainable employment.

Step Ahead has spent over 25 years building trusted relationships with employers.

And because of this, we’re able to offer excellent job opportunities for those who want to get back into work.

Get A Helping Hand and Childcare Support

What People Are Saying About Step Ahead

“The Trainer Helped Boost My Confidence”

“The trainer helped boost my confidence and made me believe I can achieve my goals. I would recommend everyone who needs guidance or motivation, to join Step Ahead!

– Rida Ahmad

“Fozia got me an interview within 3 days”

‘Fozia got me an interview within 3 days of registering with them. I can’t thank her enough for all the support I have been given in finding work in such a short period of time. Thank you!!’

– Mira Fit

“I definitely recommend the training course”

‘I definitely recommend the training course. My tutor Andrew has been an extremely patient, wise and attentive tutor who has taught me a lot and who has made me believe in myself, my skills and finding a job.

– Amber Esdale

“Nothing but excellent customer service”

Step Ahead staff are both professional and pleasant to engage with. From my initial contact my experience has been nothing but excellent customer service.

– Arabus Kwondro

How Step Ahead Can Help Change Your Life

This is an excellent opportunity for ANYONE looking to secure employment. It doesn’t matter if you have any experience – once we get you trained up, qualified, and provided with new job opportunities – your life can take a significant positive turn.

  • You’ll be given a new life purpose and new opportunities
  • ​You’ll gain self-esteem and confidence in your new abilities
  • ​You’ll make new friends and become a part of a community

Empower yourself to make the change.  It’s an upward spiral that gets better and better!

Current Courses Available

NCFE Level 2 Certificate in Understanding Excellence in Customer Service for Hospitality – 8 days

  • Unit 1: Principles of customer service in the hospitality sector
    In this unit learners will look at different customer types and their expectations. They’ll also cover how to communicate effectively, how to deal with complaints and feedback, and policies and procedures to support consistent customer service.
  • Unit 2: Understand effective teamwork in the hospitality sector
    This unit covers effective teamwork and how it can support customer service in hospitality. Learners will also look at their own personal development.
  • Unit 3: Understand legislation and guidance relevant to the hospitality sector
    This unit covers legislation and guidance relevant to customer service in the hospitality sector including:
    • food hygiene
    • food allergy and intolerance
    • diversity and equality
    • health and safety
    • safeguarding
    • data protection.
  • Unit 4: Understand professional personal standards in the hospitality sector
    This unit covers first impressions and the importance of personal presentation, as well as the impact that behaviour can have on
    customers and their impression of the hospitality organisation.

NCFE Level 1 Certificate in Employability Skills – 7 days

  • Unit 1: Working in a team
    It will cover how teams work, recognising your own strengths when contributing to a team and the contributions of others and understanding team goals.
  • Unit 2: Understanding Mindset
    It will provide you with an understanding of how employability can be affected by mindset, focusing on the key qualities sought by employers.
  • Unit 3: Problem solving at work
    This unit will introduce you to problem solving in a work context, recognising and moving current understanding of problem solving in a home, education or social situation into a work environment.
  • Unit 4: How to keep improving
    This unit will introduce you to the concept of ongoing self-improvement at work. It links individual self-improvement and business/organisation need for improvement in a competitive environment, improvement for progression or promotion at work and for being responsive to new demands at work.
  • Unit 5: Developing assertiveness
    This unit will help you understand what assertiveness is and how to be assertive.
  • Unit 6: Being managed by others
    This unit introduces the types of expectations line managers have of those they manage and introduces you to the understanding and skills needed to work successfully for a manager. It covers the roles of managers or supervisors, how to interact positively with a manager or supervisor and how to build a good working relationship.
  • Unit 7: Health and Well-being in the workplace
    This unit will aid you in understanding health and well-being in the workplace and assess risks in own future career/area of work.

NCFE Level 1 Certificate in Personal and Social Development – 6 days

  • Unit 1: Developing self
    This unit is all about introducing candidates to ways in which they can reflect on their own personal development and how their personal skills, abilities and behaviours can improve.
  • Unit 2: Working towards goals
    This unit is aimed at helping candidates to understand how to identify and work towards goals appropriately.
  • Unit 3: The changing nature of society in the UK
    The first part of the unit has candidates investigating why people migrate, from and within the UK. The impact of migration on communities and benefits of cultural diversity. The second part looks at the changing nature of UK society, drawing on examples of diversity in factors such as culture, traditions, and values. The benefits of multiculturalism are considered. The third part is around candidates considering how community cohesion in a multicultural society can be encouraged through shared values.
  • Unit 4: Working as part of a group
    This unit is all about helping the candidate develop skills to become an active contributor when working with others on group activities and to be able to review their own progress and skills development.
  • Unit 5: Individual rights and responsibilitiesThis aim of this unit is to raise your awareness of your rights and responsibilities as an individual.
  • Unit 6: Understand Personal Identity
    Candidates will understand the factors that contribute to a positive sense of personal identity.
  • Unit 7: Preparing for your next steps
    The aim of this unit is to help candidates to focus on personal career plans, recognising their skills and abilities. It will support
    candidates to prepare and take the next steps into training or work.
  • Unit 8: Managing own money
    The aim is to introduce you to the basic elements of managing your personal finances, encouraging you to prepare a personal
    budget and to carry out transactions capably.

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